Local Economic Development (LED) allows and encourages local people to work together to achieve sustainable economic growth and development thereby bringing economic benefits and improved quality of life for all residents in our local municipal area.
As a programme, LED is intended to maximise the economic potential of Port St. Johns and, to enhance the resilience of the macro-economic growth through increased local economic growth, employment creation and development initiatives within the context of sustainable development.

Senior Manager
Sivuyile Xuku
Tel: 047 564 1208Fax: 0475641206
Email: sxuku@psjmunicipality.gov.za
Tourism Development, Marketing and promotion
Arts trasts and cultural promotion
SMME Development and poverty allaviation
Policy and strategy formulation
Monitoring and evaluation of Municipal LED
Business development and investment promotion
Town and spatial developmental assessment and awareness
Economic Characteristics
Port St. Johns municipality has a population of approximately 152 000. Its Gross Geographical Product (GGP) contributes approximately 2.3% to OR Tambo District Municipality’s and is the smallest of the seven municipalities under ORTDM. The most dominant sector is the Community Services Sector, which contributes about 66% of the PSJ GGP. Trade and Manufacturing sectors follow this, which contributes 12.3% and 8.6% respectively. Although Tourism and Agriculture are priorities of the municipality and perceived to be creating a sizeable amount of jobs, Tourism has not been measured and agriculture contributes about 5.6% to the GGP. Social grants and informal trading largely drive the economy. Labour Force
The population of Port St. Johns is largely illiterate with limited skilled people. According Statistics SA, elementary occupations (unskilled labour) contribute 32% of the labour force. Initiatives to engage the community into adult literacy programs are underway through Abed and Karigude adult literacy campaign.
LED Documents
LED Strategy
LED Strategic Plan
Master Plan
PSJ Agricultural Status
PSJ Integrated Development
Water Front Development Feasibility Study
Local Tourism Organization Draft Strategy
PSJ Ward Based Local Area Plans (LAP’s)
Estuary Management Plans (Mzintlava and Mngazana)
Environmental Management Plan Draft
Master Plan Draft
PSJ Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s)
LED Projects (2008-09)
PSJ LED Forum stakeholders & Database of Businesses & SMME’s